4WD Australia

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Videos (9) Play all

Camping setups DON'T need to be $10000s Watch OUR 4x4/Camping Setups for the Victorian High Country 12:18

Camping setups DON'T need to be $10000s Watch OUR 4x4/Camping Setups f

In todays midweek video we go into detail on our camping setups we use in exploring t

Making Unique Twin Slingshots from Big Oak fork 19:54

Making Unique Twin Slingshots from Big Oak fork

In this video we made two beautiful Slingshots from one big oak tree fork. I tried to

Slingshot puppet  shoots cans out of my hands 01:37

Slingshot puppet shoots cans out of my hands

Bit risky but my wooden slingshot buddy shoots a can straight from my hands 10 and 15

Pictures (4)

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